sound & ceremony


i have found that i am most myself and most alive when i am in ceremony with life

and my passion lies in creating experiences that are for and of the heart,

inviting the remembering that ~ we ~ have the keys, the answers, the medicine,

once we are still enough to listen.

join me for in person and online creative soul sessions, circles, retreat spaces and crystal sound baths, (journeying with the singing bowls grounding, harmonising and alchemical crystal sound frequencies ~ you can read more about these below)

nature always weaving her threads through these meetings of hearts…

may I meet you there.

as an experienced certified sound practitioner and journeyer with Quantum Alchemy crystal singing bowls, a Reiki & energy intuitive, a Rite of the Womb initiator and a Rebirthing Breathwork Mastery practitioner in training

i am passionate about carving out spaces to bring you back to your centre, your rhythm, your body and beyond.

_crystal sound baths

join me for in person and online Alchemy crystal sound baths.

i lead you with breath, words and intention into a place of stillness and deep relaxation, ready for you to receive the alchemical vibrations of the crystal singing bowls

a truly nurturing, gentle and immersive experience for your soul, mind and body.

suitable for everyone.

benefits include reduced stress, tension and anxiety, improved sleep quality, increased focus, clarity of the mind and inspiration, a strengthened immune system, general upliftment and a deepening sense of self.

contact me at to co~create and book.

and you can find out more about my offerings or take in some more vibes below.